Yesterday I made an awesome dinner-chx stroganoff in the crockpot. The kids loved it!!! We had it again for leftovers and they didn't even complain. I got alot of cleaning done which I feel good about. Darnell and I had a real heart to heart last week. Basically me telling him that as I go thru this healing process, I am so sorry that I am not being the wife I know I should be. My counselor validated the fact that what I've dealt w/ in the last 2 years or so, is simply something that takes time to deal w/. For me it brought on a pretty bad depression. So know I have to focus on letting God heal me from the inside out. When I'm feeling lazy and Darnell is doing alot around the house, Darnell has made it clear that he's not doing it w/ a crabby attitude. He gets tired of course, but he knows right now I need him to fill in the gap. Let's face it, as a stay at home mom, as a woman I have my own expectations of what I should be doing. Having to ask for help is hard. Darnell has NEVER said one deregotory(spelling?) thing to me about this. So.. I need to count my blessings and look at this season in my life as a healing time for me. Some days I kick butt around the house and he comes home and is shocked, lol, other days he comes home and I am completely wiped out and haven't done hardly anything. I am praising God for a husband who can handle he tells me I'm not spoiled, just well taken care of. Indeed, I am well taken care of!!!
I let Haley get a facebook account today. I was hesitant, but I figure as long as we are monitoring it, she can enjoy it and I can make sure everything is on the up and up w/ her being on the internet. At this point, she's extremely innocent, which means I will be very cautious w/ her friends on FB, she has limited time on the computer anyways. I will be getting my molars removed on Thursday. Thank God they are knocking me out to do it, lol...I can't wait. I have been in soo much pain. After my mouth heals I'll have impressions taken to replace the pulled teeth. Once that is all done, the teeth that have been pulled will all be replaced. I can't wait!!! I will feel SOO much better about myself. My ice chewing habit is coming to a screeching hault. bummer. I do love to chew ice. Stupid I know, but it is what it is. Well I realize I have rambled on quite a bit..but it's my blog, so I can do that, LOL
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