I'm in a crabby mood tonight. I feel like I just want to lock myself in my room and not come out, for a LONG while. It has been one of those " I suck as a mom" nights and it's only 7:19 pm...This morning I went to Nikki's and spent some time w/ her and the girls. It's so fun to cuddle babies!!! Darnell is speaking at Eric's church tonight..I wish he could do that for a living. He would be awesome!!!
I am in a funk. I really need to get out of it. How do you pull yourself out? I sound like a broken record on this subject. But it's my blog. It's my outlet. Every day I want it to be better than the last, but it never is. I don't do all the things I want to do, all the things that will give me a feeling of satisfaction w/ myself to some degree. I know what I should be doing, and yet here I sit. On the computuer. I have been seriously considering taking a few days "off" of using the computer AND the TV. I know I would get a lot done. Although thinking about doing it and actually doing it are quite different, obviously. Darnell always is on the go..he has never ending energy. I feel like I don't carry my share of the weight...Well..I am going to quit whining.
I hear ya girl! We only have one tv (in our bedroom right now)and I've never been a real big tv watcher BUT I tend to waste MUCH time online. I've been limiting myself VERY much and I'm telling you, it helps. I've never been one that goes on much when my kids are awake, mostly at night (like now) but I'm MOSTLY limiting myself to Saturdays....not strictly but for catching up on blogs etc. I'm trying. I, for one, feel like the computer is sucking the life out of people. I think people are letting it interfere with real living too much (I don't mean you, just people in general). A few minutes here, a few minutes there all adds up. I didn't want to go that route. (not that I'm perfect by any means).
ReplyDeleteI was always complaining that I don't get things done around here but still wasting time. Don't get me wrong, I know it's a great resource and nice outlet, lifeline to the outside world etc. BUT, take a break if you feel you should. Seriously, you won't regret it. I rarely go on FB now and don't miss it a bit.
I hope things are going well with you and your family!
Melissa G