Every September brings with it earlier sunsets, brisk weather, changing leaves. Every year it brings the smell of fall, that crisp scent of leaves falling from the trees. The whistle of the winds blowing, leaves falling to the ground. I remember as a young girl walking home from school seeing the most amazing leaves, the colors were each so distinct. The crunch you would hear as you walked, the later it got in the fall. Every fall also brought with it new memories. As I got older it brought memories of walking home from school feeling refreshed from the gorgeous weather, falling asleep with the window cracked open. As I got a little older and met my husband, fall meant something new all together. FOOTBALL!! Although after over 16 years together and I still do not know one more thing about football than i did then, I do know what football does. It brings people together. People band together to watch their favorite team, good food cooks, kids play football in the fallen leaves. Sunday afternoons consist of chili and football. The kids come in smelling of that wonderful smell of fall. I remember that smell so well from my own childhood, now it comes rushing back to me as my children tumble in the house after a long day of playing outside. In our home at this time of year, candles are being lit, the house smells of cinnamon. Soon it will hold the smell of apple pie that I will make after we make our annual trip to Apple Holler. The kids will pick tons of apples, every apple being perfect in their eyes. Or the occassional apple that was once home to a worm.
This time of year is cozy, for lack of a better word. Good movies playing on TV when a football game is not on. Crock pots filled with homemade chicken noodle soup that smell like heaven. Fall is here. The colors of the season will be breath taking just as they are every year. The birds will slowly find their way to their cozy home for the cold season that is coming. The trees will soon be barren of the once vibrant green leaves that will surely return in Spring. All of the changes remind me of how God has his hand on every aspect of nature. Also that he has his hand on every change that takes place in my life as every year brings new changes and challenges with it.
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