Monday, October 11, 2010

I will NOT apologize!!!

Just random thoughts........

I will NOT apologize for who I am and what I believe. I will not be sorry that I am an emotional, sensitive woman. I am a mother and a wife. I will not apologize for the fact that I will do EVERYTHING I can to keep my kids innocent as long as possible. I do NOT believe and will not give into the saying and justification..Oh, kids are going to do "it" whatever the "it" might be.,anyways. I will not make exuses or hide the fact that I want my children to NOT be exposed to all the crap in this world. Am I in denial? NO.. but as long as they are under my roof and I am responsible for their well being, I take their spiritual well being just as serious. They don't HAVE to be exposed to everything, it's OK to say NO to what everyone else is doing. I will be that mom who says NO when I feel strongly to my very core that something one of my children will come up against is wrong for them. will they make their own choices? yes, I don't want to rule their life. I want to guide them. It's easy to be lazy and say oh nevermind it's not worth the fight. I will fight for my kids, I will fight to keep them innocent as long as possible w/o making them naive. They get one childhood. I get one shot as a mom...I make mistakes, I screw up. I am human. But at the end of the day, I will be able to say that as a mother, I didn't give up. I have 2 kids w/ disabilities, I will do EVERYTHING in my power to be their voice, their advocate. I will help make a way for them. I trust God completely and totally. He trusted ME to be the mom to these 4 awesome kids. I guess that's quite a mouth full. just feeling very strongly about how I raise my kids. And w/ every "I" that as typed should be replaced w/ "we".. Darnell feels the same way. I will no longer apologize for the emotional and pshychological issues I deal with It's the hand I have been dealt, some days are great, some aren't. I will do what I can. I work HARD at not comparing myself to other moms. I am me. No apologies, no exuses. Take me or leave me. I won't settle for 2nd best for my kids. I won't expose them to things that they don't need to be. so.. I'll step down from my soap box....

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