He has seen that Dr. once, which ironically was an evening that he was raging...but right now Darnell and I are seeing the Dr and pretty much brainstorming and well, trying to figure out how to deal w/ Isaiah in the best way we can that will help Isaiah and help us. So lots of therapy going on over here. Some people don't want the world to know when they are seeing a "shrink" but for me, it's almost a must to let people know because I need to be held accountable. Because of this ugly depression I deal with~ I honestly would rather stay in bed and not have to go anywhere. I have a hard time, a lot of the time, going to appointments, going anywhere really. It's just easier to stay where I am comfortable. But I know there's so much more out there. God has a plan for me and I know that I need to fight for this.
I want to get better not only for myself, but for my husband and kids. I am NO where near the kind of wife or mom I want to be for them. I realize that. So..I'm fighting. I know some days are going to be better than other. I also am dealing w/ this weight I have gained which weighs heavily on me( no pun intended, lol) I am working on me. Not easy, not fun. but worth it. I am worth it. I have to keep telling myself that. And if that is enough some days, my husband and kids are.

Melissa... You are very strong and brave woman for admitting you have the ugly disease of depression. Sever as it may be.. You can fight hard and break free from it! It was so hard for me to admit I had depression. I am one who likes control of my life and this just made me so mad that I had no control over my brain. I also see a "shrink" I just started within the past month to help me with the loss of Rosa... I realized I need to work on so many things about myself. I want to tell you that you are not alone and i am proud of you for getting help. It doesn't make you less of a wife, mother, or woman. I know how you feel when you say you are no where near the wife or mother you should be.... I have realized that too. And also fitting my weight too!
ReplyDeleteI am here to talk anytime!!
I mean fighting my weight. LOL