Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Life in the Hoaglund home has been very different lately. Now that we are right in the middle of the holiday season, I'm working 10+ hrs a day and no day off until christmas Day! I'm not complaining but I won't lie and say it's not hard. I'm exhausted! This is a whole different lifestyle change for our family. Plus Jeremiah is working after school and obviously Darnell is working too. So having to be at work when I'm normally home for the kids takes some getting used to.  
Being a stay at home mom and now being a temporary working mom I'm seeing both sides of the coin.  When I'm at home I tend to fall into a funk.  I feel like, do I really need to stay home? I could be working etc.. well since I've been working Haley had a HORRID urinary tract infection and Isaiah's been having issues w/ school. So when normally having Haley stay home is no big deal for me, when I'm working, of course it's all different. Getting phone calls from Isaiah's teacher is dis-heartening because I can't deal w/ the issue right away.. it's a balancing act I'll tell ya!  Thankfully I have great support! Darnell does all he can to keep things rolling. He's used to working and being a parent, lol... 
I know when my kids are grown I won't regret having been a stay at home mom. Even though they are older I just don't like the idea of them always being home and Darnell and I both working. Not everyone can stay home or even wants to stay home. I have so much respect for working moms. My mom was a single working mom and I have so much respect for what she had to sacrifice to support us. 
I guess having 2 kids w/ special needs is what keeps me home. But it is also my hearts desire to be home. God has been faithful to us in so many ways. I look at my life, the people in it, and am thankful. 
I have to say, waking up early and all that jazz, well I am not feeling so thankful at those moments... in fact some choice "dirty words" just may be coming out of my mouth as I am sliding out of bed! Lord knows mornings are THE worst part for me. Thankfully it doesn't last. the day sure would suck if I felt all day the way I do when I first get up. My routine of getting up, getting Isaiah off to school and then going to get my Starbucks has worked pretty well. 

Oh and my son turned 16 on Thursday! got his drivers license on friday! How did THAT happen????!!! I just seriously feel like I blinked and he was this almost grown man. how does that happen??? Haley will be 14 next month... oh lord I could just go on about how I have a hard time letting go....ha! But I remind myself that just because they get older doesn't mean they still aren't my babies, they are just growing up but will always be where my heart is. 
So i've rambled a bit. Amanda, are you happy now? LOL... this wasn't all that interesting but anyway I need to go to bed. I pray I wake up feeling ready to start my day and not like I'm dragging! 

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