Saturday, April 25, 2009

It's raining it's pouring...

The nice weather did not last dang it! It's raining and is pretty crappy out. Haley has a violin concert tonight. I am indulging my horrible habit of chewing ice...I did get up and take a shower and put my face on... better than yesterday at least. I wish I was motivated to do great things. LIke I can't wait to finish school and be a great nurse, yet I can't even get past chemistry. I know I can do the job of a nurse.. I think I'll be a darn good one at that. but to get past some of the book stuff is just so hard. And now I need to put school on hold so that I can deal w/ Isaiah. I am totally fine w/ that. I just am not looking forward at some point taking those hard classes. Maybe I'll feel different when the stress of dealing w/ Isaiah's issues will be somewhat under control. Darnell is the best husband. He completely takes over when I can muster up any eneregy. He takes care of things. Sometimes I think he's a better "mom" than I We've never played the gender role game of the man only does man things like bringing home the bacon and coming home to a wife that has the dinner on at 5 and does all the kid things. I feel like when I'm feeling the way I do lately that Darnell does way more than his share. Hopefully I can get myself together..I know I will!

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