Friday, June 26, 2009

Pool, God moments

Our pool is officially open and up and running, and it's already June 26th, lol.. with our crazy WI weather and Darnell's schedule it just didn't happen until today. We had to buy a new pump. Thank God for Darnell's the kids had a blast! I am even tired and I jumped in and was in for just a bit.. Janis came over and hung out all day.. it was really nice! We both layed out and got some sun! 2mrw Darnell is off and we are going rummage saling in the a.m. probably and then spend the rest of the day in the pool. Hopefully if it's not too humid I can get some yard work done. I need to get the yard cleaned up some so that when we have pool parties the yard will look nice. I am still believing and waiting on God as far as our porch goes! All in his time. Sometime today I was thinking about summertime, this is our 3rd summer here. I'm still in awe in how God has blessed us w/ this house. I tend to worry and be anxious about EVERYTHING. Well I am doing my best to allow God to do his thing! I feel like He clearly said to me today" When are you just going to sit back and enjoy the blessings I have given you?" SOOO true! I don't have to have all the answers for down the road or even for tomorrow.. God already does. So I need to let that stress go. God gives us enough Grace for today. It's not like he's going to give me a whole bunch of grace and mercy so I can bank it and if I use it all up, then tough luck...Each day, each minute for that matter, God will be there. So, I am working on just enjoying the moment. All the moments I cherish are going to add up to a fruitfull, blessed life that I will completely enjoy. If I dont' do that, I will miss out on what God has for me. I don't want to miss a thing.

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